Please do not order any items for so-called " fitting ".

The round trip harms our environment

How do I know that the order was successful?

After the purchase you will receive a confirmation of the order by e-mail.

Item is damaged

Please send a clear picture of the affected area on the product to one-pelican@mail.de .

Are items damaged or missing during shipping?

In this case, we ask you to submit a damage report to your local parcel service within 7 working days of delivery.

Then send us the stamped copy by email or PDF. As soon as we have received the PDF or image from you, we will arrange for a forwarding if the items are in stock.

The item does not arrive

Please contact your local parcel service first and only then please contact one-pelican@mail.de .

What happens to the return?

The items are checked unpacked and repacked. The product is then sent again to avoid using unnecessary resources. Unfortunately, the items have to be sent again. For this reason, we ask that you do not order any products to try on.